3 ways we misunderstand worship


We are all divinely called by the one true God to be worshippers. It doesn't matter what you do or who you are, it's deeply wired into each and every human being to worship something or someone. Sadly, many people's worship is misdirected towards the wrong things and that's because of misunderstandings we have about worship.

In John 4:23–24 Jesus said, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (ESV).

When we misunderstand worship, we misunderstand whom we are to worship, so it's very important that we have a clear understanding of this call God has given us to worship Him. Here are three major misunderstandings about worship that cause us to miss the mark.

Misunderstanding #1: Worship is just singing songs to God

While one major way of expressing our worship to God is through song, worship is much more than just singing. Worship is first and foremost more a stance of the heart than it is a measure of your vocal cords. As important as it is to express worship vocally, we express worship in so many other ways.

When we limit worship to just songs, we actually worship music, skills and even people instead of God. We worship God through our generosity, our lifestyle, our work, the way that we treat others and through virtually anything and everything we do.

Misunderstanding #2: Only perfect people can worship God

Well, this statement is true because only the holy can enter the presence of God. Just as Isaiah saw in a vision as told in Isaiah chapter 6, we approach a God whose presence can only be shared with those who are just as holy.

When we worship based on our own good works, we worship our good works instead of God. But you see, our holiness has nothing to do with what we do, but has everything to do with what Christ has done. We are saved by grace through faith and all we must do now is believe that the sacrifice of Jesus is more than enough.

Misunderstanding #3: Worship is measured by how you feel about God

Some people think that when we don't cry, laugh or get slain that our worship is not sincere. Worship at its core has very little to do with how we feel and how we manifest. A person can manifest gently and move in the fruit of the Spirit that brings gentleness and self-control.

When we worship based on feelings and manifestations, we worship our feelings and experiences instead of God. God calls us to worship in spirit and in truth, not in emotions.

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