8 Moments You'll Only Understand If You're A Calvinist

1. Shifting uncomfortably in your seat when the pastor mentions God's love without immediately referencing his judgement.

 The Contemporary Calvinist / http://www.contemporarycalvinist.com/2013_11_01_archive.html

2. Now it's getting really nerve-wracking. The Bible reading is nearly over and it hasn't yet mentioned anything about God's wrath.

 The Calvinist / http://www.thecalvinist.net/fun

3. He's using a YouTube clip to illustrate a point. You may as well get up and leave.

 The Calvinist / http://www.thecalvinist.net/

4. There is a joke in the sermon. People are laughing. What is happening!

 Ashley M Lucky / https://uk.pinterest.com/ashleymlucky/calvinist-memes/

5. Now it is really bad. He wants us to pray for people outside the Church.

 Meme Maker / http://www.mememaker.net/meme/they-were-freewill-i-am-the-elect-calvinism/

5. Uh oh. There is an altar call. And the pastor is asking people to accept Jesus into their lives.

 The Calvinist / http://www.thecalvinist.net/

7. Do not quote Revelation 3.20 at me! 

 Memes for Jesus / http://memesforjesus.tumblr.com/

8. No you did not choose to come to church this morning!

 Meme Generator / https://memegenerator.net/instance/51539880
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