A screenshot instigated all the frenzy but even before that, Sony had already made preliminary hints that Sony Xperia Z handsets are on the verge of getting an Android 5.0.2 bump.
Though no actual date of release was bared, it seems that an update may be actually rolling out as we speak.
As mentioned earlier, there is this celebrated screenshot (via Android Origin) which shows a certain device with model C6603 receiving the Android 5.0.2 update.
Apparently the model is tied up with the original Xperia Z. However, knowing how easily anyone can produce fake photos via photoshop, the photo could be fake.
Anyway, it would be best to wait for the official release of the OTA update. With reports that some countries are already receiving the Android 5.0.2 update. Sony Philippines has tweeted that the Android bump will start rolling out by next week (probably May 11, Monday) for the Xperia Z.
But the good news is that the Sony T2 Ultra is already started rolling out, a sign that Android 5.0.2 is on the verge of being released in the Philippines and perhaps other Sony Xperia devices.
To date, Sony has already released the Android 5.0.2 update for the following devices: Xperia Z3, Z3 Compact, Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact, Z2, Z2 Tablet, Xperia Z1, Z1 Compact, Z Ultra, Z Ultra GPE (Google Play Edition), Xperia C3, and T2 Ultra. And if plans materialize soon, other models like the Xperia ZR, Xperia ZL, Xperia Z3v and Xperia Tablet Z could be getting their share of Android 5.0.2 Lollipop too.
Among the things to expect with the Android 5.0.2 update include the easy movement of content from the internal memory to the SD card, improved messaging capability, and LED lights lit across the device's sound modes.
The update will also reportedly fix the 'no service' signal issue and bring back the 'close-all-button' in the activity menu.