Billy Graham's daughter Anne Graham Lotz believes that the second coming of Jesus Christ is drawing near, since the world is "unravelling," because of "the judgment of God."
"Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming – I don't mean some day," she said. "I mean He's coming soon. "[T]he time clock of human history is winding down," Lotz said during her revival speech about the End Times. "I believe that we're living in the last generation before He comes back."
Lotz noted several events that point to Christ's second coming. One of these is Israel coming back into being "as a result of the Holocaust and World War II." She said "the Jews came from all over the world and re-established the nation of Israel and the family of nations in May 1948."
"That's significant to me because I was born in May 1948," she explained. "I believe that's my generation. And Jesus said the generation that sees that takes place is the generation that's going to see His return. And I believe, and let me just say it, okay? I believe that if I live out my natural lifetime, I will live to see the return of Jesus Christ to this Earth."
Lotz said people must face the truth that they are living "at the end of human history." She said she is basing her statements not on her feelings or hopes but on the signs that are manifesting in the world today.
"Jesus said nobody knows the day, nobody knows the hour, but – listen to me – you can know the generation, okay?" said Lotz. "Jesus said, Don't let it catch you like a thief coming in the night. You should not be surprised when that sky unfolds and Jesus comes back. We're expecting Him to come and we have the signs to know what time it is. And the time is short. Watch, therefore, he says. Don't let anybody deceive you."