Christian producers the Christiano brothers to release creationist film, 'A Matter of Faith'

Harry Anderson as Professor Kaman in "A Matter of Faith." YouTube video screenshot

The Christiano brothers will release their latest film, "A Matter of Faith," to select theaters in October 2014, a press release issued Tuesday announced.

The film explores the evolutionist-creationist debate in a dramatic story of self-discovery and spiritual convictions.

In "A Matter of Faith," a Christian teenager begins her freshman year of college as a biology major, and is influenced by her evolutionist professor. Her creationist father takes issue with the one-sided teaching of the origin of life, and is challenged to do something about it.

The film stars Jordan Trovillion ("Jack Reacher"), Jay Pickett ("General Hospital," "Port Charles"), and three-time Emmy nominee Harry Anderson ("Night Court," "Dave's World").

Co-writers Dave and Rich Christiano said that too often the creationist perspective is overlooked in the media.

"The media writes and issues reports about evolution almost every day," Dave said in a statement. "And one thing I noticed is that these reports often change as man's ideas change."

"But the creation message hasn't changed since day one," Rich added. "It should get fair coverage, but it does not."

The evolution versus creation debate has existed for centuries, and there are religious scholars and scientific researchers on both sides of the issue. The controversial nature of the debate is magnified by its inherent subjectivity.

"Evolution is taught in our schools and universities across this great land of ours as a matter of fact," Rich, who is also the director, explained. "Yet nobody can prove evolution, because no one was there at the beginning--just as no person can prove creation, since nobody was there at the beginning. Both of these teachings then become a matter of faith, not fact."

The brothers hope that "A Matter of Faith" will lead to further discussion of the origin of man.

"Either creation is right or evolution is right, but they both can't be correct," Rich said. "It's a worthy topic to explore."

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