Christian students counter 'no God' adverts with Gospel giveaway
Christian students are taking part in a massive Gospel giveaway in response to the ‘no God’ adverts placed on buses across the country.
Christian Unions in universities across the UK are giving away 400,000 copies of a special student edition of St Mark’s Gospel to get students thinking about God.
The giveaway follows the launch of a high profile atheist ad campaign launched by the British Humanist Association on 800 buses around the country last month.
The BHA’s advert proclaims, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life,” and has been endorsed by prominent atheist Professor Richard Dawkins.
UCCF:thechristianunions – the umbrella organisation for Christian Unions – said the high turnout at its carol services last Christmas was an indication that university students do not share the scepticism of Dawkins and other atheists.
Pod Bhogal, Communications Manager at UCCF:thechristianunions, echoed the positive response to the campaign of other Christians.
“Richard Dawkins is to be thanked for once again, raising the profile of God,” he said. His book ‘The God Delusion’ was a brilliant platform for CUs to host events where the claims about God and Jesus Christ could be openly discussed, and through that, people have become Christians. Now his bus adverts clearly proclaim that atheists cannot be sure. This is evidently not a good basis to stop worrying!”
Mr Bhogal said that the ‘no God’ bus ads would stimulate discussion about the existence of God.
“Apathy is the greatest spiritual danger in our land, whereas Dawkins militant atheism gets everybody thinking and talking. We are grateful to him for keeping God on the nation’s agenda.”
Christian students will be giving away copies of St Mark’s Gospel over the next two months.
Mr Bhogul said the giveaway would help students “investigate the person of Jesus and make their own minds up as to whether he was God in human form or merely a charlatan”.
CUs are also planning outreach events throughout the year ranging from debates to lectures, café meetings, Alpha courses and lunch-time question and answer sessions.
On the web:
UCCF has put together resources to help students make the most of the Gospel giveaway. Go to