Open Doors, the persecuted church charity, has announced final plans for a major event to unite Christians in support of the plight of the 200 million Christians around the world who experience persecution because of their faith.
The event, UNITE, will draw together Christians from across the church to stand together to support, among others, the thousands of Christians in Eritrea and North Korea serving prison sentences because of their faith.
They will also embrace Meskele Dhaba, a Christian who is bringing up seven children single-handedly after her evangelist husband Michael was murdered by Muslim extremists, and Noviana Malewa, the sole survivor of an attack where three schoolgirls where beheaded by Muslim extremists.
Eddie Lyle, CEO of Open Doors UK and Ireland, said, "UNITE is both a vision of Christians across denominations, age groups and ethnic divides, joining together to pray to our one God and act as one family in the one church of Christ, in support of their persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the nations, and a movement which has the potential to unlock a groundbreaking new sense of life, love and commitment in the UK church."
UNITE, which is being organised by Open Doors along with Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Release International, Jubilee Campaign and Christian organisations partners, will take place at the Bethel Convention Centre in the West Midlands on Saturday 29 September.
A forum on the persecuted church during the day will be followed by an evening prayer celebration for young people.
Christians are persecuted all over the world but the most extreme cases are to be found in central and southern Asia and northern/central Africa. Open Doors works in 45 countries serving and supporting the persecuted church.
Bishop Joe Aldred, Secretary for Minority Ethnic Christian Affairs with Churches Together in England and Chair of the Council of Black-led Churches said, "I thoroughly endorse the work that organisations such as Open Doors are doing.
"The UNITE events provide a unique opportunity for Christians of all ethnic and faith backgrounds to stand with their persecuted brothers and sisters across the world."
A number of speakers will bring fresh insights into the reality of persecution. Eritrean-born Berhane Asmelash will speak of the 2,000 Eritrean Christians bravely refusing to renounce their faith despite imprisonment in appalling conditions in Berhane's home country, bordering Sudan and Ethiopia. Christians here practised their faith in freedom until a new religious decree was issued just five years ago.
Joy and Alexander from central and eastern Asia will explain how God is bringing many Muslims to follow Jesus despite the consequences, which can include beatings, imprisonment and loss of homes or incomes as they flee for their lives.
Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors 52 years ago, will speak from a life devoted to Jesus and to his brothers and sisters in Christ across the world, while the Rt Rev Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester, will address listeners on Muslim-Christian relationships.
Worship will be led by singer/songwriter, Andy Flannagan and Laurence Sharman of the World Prayer Centre.
The UNITE Forum on the Persecuted Church takes place from 10am - 5pm and is followed by a Prayer Celebration from 7pm - 9.30pm.
Both events take place at the Bethel Convention Centre, West Bromwich, B70 7JW. For more information people should visit www.opendoorsuk.ord/unite or call the ticket hotline on 08450 55 66 22.