Evangelical Christian Union Calls for Clarification of 'Reinstatement'

The Evangelical Christian Union at Exeter University has responded to a press release issued 18 January by the student guild over the impending legal battle set to take place for the ECU's reinstatement.

Ben Martin, the small groups secretary of the ECU in Exeter, whose name had been used to commence the legal proceedings against the student guild, stated: "The Evangelical Christian Union at Exeter University is of the view that the service of legal proceedings was entirely appropriate. The ECU believes that if legal process had not been commenced the ECU would still be suspended and Christian students denied the full rights and privileges that all other students enjoy on campus."

In addition, referring to an "informal telephone conversation" made between the guild of students president Ms Percy and the ECU, Martin said, "The ECU accepts that a vague informal telephone conversation was made by Ms Percy on 4th January; however the intent was unclear and was not in writing. The ECU do not accept that this was a lifting of the suspension."

He added, "On receipt of a letter from Ms Percy, it was quite clear that the substance of the dispute continues; namely the lawfulness of the Equal Opportunities Policy (EOP). It is unclear on what basis the re-admittance to the guild is based upon and whether the Christian Union can use its proper and historic name."

Concluding, Martin said, "The ECU regards the case as undetermined as a future guild and university authorities could suspend it again. Therefore it is the view of the ECU that it is sensible for all parties to accept the jurisdiction of the court.

"Full reinstatement as a guild society means:-
1. An admission of unlawful conduct.
2. A full and unreserved apology and the name changed back to Christian Union.
3. Legal costs to date.
4. Full reinstatement, including all the privileges and rights of a campus society, including free use of rooms, and the right to advertise events via guild and campus facilities."

It is as yet unclear whether the grounds of the resolution will be clarified by the students guild, and until that time the ECU has declared its intention to keep it on its current agenda.
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