Reverend Franklin Graham cannot help but shake his head at America's broken political system, which is even made worse by mainstream media bias.
On his Facebook page, the evangelist said the media spins stories after stories that are partial to the political candidate of their choice. Graham is hoping that Christian voters won't allow themselves to be deceived by media bias, and instead be prayerful about their choices.
"The corruption is in both parties and is unbelievable. The media, along with many politicians from both parties, doesn't want any of this to change," he wrote. "As I went to all 50 states this year and stood on the capitol steps with Christians from every state, we prayed and confessed our sins to God. We asked His forgiveness and asked Him to heal this land."
Graham is praying that Christians will choose to pray instead of worry about the upcoming elections, since believers need to select the right candidate for the White House. "America needs the Christian voice at the ballot box. We can't be silent. The church needs to take a stand for God's truth and His righteousness," he said.
At the end of the day, Graham said the most critical issue in this election is the Supreme Court. Graham said the Supreme Court has a huge impact on the direction that America will take in the days ahead. Hence, the next president needs to appoint justices who will uphold their faith and religious liberty.
Not only that, but the next president will also have a big influence the U.S. Senate. "That's right, in addition to serving as Vice President, either Tim Kaine or Mike Pence will also be President of the U.S. Senate," he said. "Not only does the Vice President step in to lead the nation if something were to happen to the president, but they also technically head the U.S. Senate and are the one to cast the deciding vote in any tied vote in the Senate."