Nola Leach: How can Christians possibly make a difference?

|PIC1|Making a Difference

How can Christians possibly make a difference amidst the broken and pre-occupied world in which we live? Chief Executive Nola Leach believes ordinary Christians hold the key to transforming the social fabric of society in the UK.

'Many Christians want to see Biblical standards in public life yet fight shy of involvement in the political arena where these issues are decided. If Christians don't come forward, then they cede the ground to those who do not recognise God's role in our creation.' These are the words of an MP recently.

In the work done on the national and international scene, CARE recognises that the mobilisation of Christians holds the key to making a Christian difference for the sake of future generations. Our team of staff and volunteers are an essential part of ministering Christ's love, grace and wisdom.

The Journey

Take 'Sally', 34, married, but when faced with an unplanned pregnancy opted for abortion. Eighteen months later she could hardly lift her head off the pillow, her marriage was in shreds and she wished she was dead. In the depths of despair, wracked by guilt and self-loathing she came across the CAREconfidential counselling service. With our help she started the long journey of healing, forgiveness and, with God's grace, pieced back together her life. Read her story and many others at

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Abortion Act, and over the years many thousands of women facing an unplanned pregnancy or post-abortion trauma have been helped through the work of the 160 crisis pregnancy centres and online advisor. Our experience convinces us that the best way to help an unborn child is to care for its mother.

CARE seeks to actively engage God's people in a number of ways. As a mainstream Christian charity focussed on valuing family, education and ethical issues, we work in partnership with supporters to influence policymaking, bringing a reasoned voice into politics and the media and providing care for the vulnerable. Executive Chairman Lyndon Bowring adds, 'Over the past 25 years CARE has been grappling with critical issues affecting marriage and family, religious freedoms and the sanctity of human life. We are working alongside key people in the political realm and at the same time passionate about practical caring Christian ministry through the local church to impact our communities'.

One Voice

In the complex world of political decision-making nothing is more effective than many voices united in vision and purpose. The recent Sexual Orientation Regulations, and draft Human Tissues and Embryos Bill illustrate areas of public life desperately needing Christian input, and CARE's supporters, spurred on by a 'Call to Action' mailing, provided a Christian voice to government during the consultations.

Getting involved can be a daunting prospect, but it's not as difficult as many think. Accessing the CARE website for down-to-earth, easy to read information on the latest issues, dropping your MP an email or letter, inviting a CARE speaker to your church or getting involved in your local crisis pregnancy centre are all simple ways in which you can get plugged in to our work.

The Leaders of Tomorrow

|PIC2|CARE's Intern Programme equips young Christians for positions of influence. Over the last decade the Programme has successfully placed almost 200 graduates with MPs, media organisations and NGOs. The track record is impressive and many interns now hold positions of leadership across the UK in politics, the media and business.

Making the choice

Upbeat and relevant sex and relationship education is recognised as a major area of growth, with teams from the evaluate..informing choice programme so far reaching over 46,000 teenagers across schools in the UK.

The format is simple, yet effective. Multimedia presentations and discussion invite students aged 11 - 18 to consider the alternatives to the usual message of 'safe sex'. Sessions highlight the issues of peer pressure and self esteem and encourage students to make an informed choice before embarking on a sexual relationship.

Programme Manager Sue Lindars has a passion to reach all young people across the UK with the evaluate message. She says, 'Our teams have enabled 46,000 teenagers to consider the implications of casual sex.' Quoting John 4:35, 'The fields are ripe for harvest but the labourers are few', Sue admits that she is only hindered in fulfilling this vision by the number of trained volunteers available to go into schools.

Chuck Colson talks about change being affected by 'an army of ordinary people'. As Christians we must be the change we want to see in the world (Gandhi).

Pentecost Festival

CARE is therefore thrilled to be part of Pentecost 2008 which will be a wonderful showcase for what God's people are doing in bringing a message of hope to a hurting world. Our event 'An Audience With' will be a great opportunity to meet with leading Christian figures like Ann Widdecombe, Stephen Timms and Simon Hughes and to get to know them and how their faith is the driving force for what they do. This will not only be inspirational , and fun but will also enable us to pray for them more effectively. In an informal atmosphere this will be a lively evening.

For more information about Care's event go to