Kingsway have announced the release of new compilation, the triple CD Hosanna Gold.
The collection contains 50 powerful praise and worship tracks from much loved artists like Don Moen, Graham Kendrick and Ron Kenoly.
Hosanna Gold is truly a treasure trove of church favourites, including "Ancient of Days", "Crown Him With Many Crowns", "His Love Endures Forever", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", and "Lord I Lift Your Name on High".
The worship music scene has experienced something of a revolution in the last decade but if the staples of the "olden days" still give you a warm glow, then this album won't disappoint.
Says Kingsway: "Ron Kenoly is right when he says that 'God is the same yesterday, today and forever. But we're not. We change with time'.
"Hosanna Gold takes us back to the days of uncluttered, accessible worship. It allows us to see where we were, back when joy was embraced and praise was unrestrained.
"In these days of great production and perfect performance, maybe we all need to take a trip back to the early days of the modern worship movement. Maybe we can all learn from the experience."

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