iOS 9.2 update: Signs of fake iOS jailbreaks
The latest jailbreak version of the Apple iOS is 9.0.2, and the recent releases remain unjailbreakable. Recently though, reports of a new jailbreak based on the recently released iOS 9.2 build floated online. Apparently, different jailbreak development teams are about to release the new jailbreak version.
However, prior to an official announcement, there were already reported cases of fake iOS jailbreak builds making their way online. According to Reddit, these download links most probably contain Trojan viruses.
How can Apple fans that are avid jailbreak users know which downlink links are legitimate?
According to GottaBeMobile, one sure way to spot a fake jailbreak link is when the supposed jailbreak team asks downloaders to pay a small fee in order to access the download link itself. The industry follower noted that since the beginning, official iOS jailbreak versions from development teams such as Pangu and TaiG have always worked for free. It follows that the upcoming jailbreak of iOS 9.2 will be free as well.
Meanwhile, iOS jailbreak downloaders should also be aware that there are also unofficial sources that prey on Apple users, making their websites and even domain names close to that of the official download sites. Even if the website says "Pangu" or "TaiG" anywhere on its pages, users should check first if the website is really the official site of the jailbreak teams. In addition, some supposed download links ask for personal information from the user before giving access, which is also an indication that the jailbreak version download is a fake one.
Aside from fake download links, there are also websites that promise official iOS apps installation even without a jailbreak iOS version. According to Silicon Angle, these pirated app marketplaces posted online such as vShare use stolen Apple enterprise certificates, allowing users to install free versions of top-paid iOS apps, regardless of whether the Apple device uses the official iOS build or a jailbreak version.