Greece, considered the cradle of Western civilisation, has fallen into dark times—its economy in dire straits, with millions of refugees coming in while thousands of its brightest minds leaving and seeking greener pastures.
As its financial free-fall continues, with poverty and unemployment skyrocketing, the Greeks appeared to have lost confidence in their government and their church as well, the Assist News Service reports.
Against this backdrop of gloom and pessimism, a project called "Operation Joshua" is set for launching by the Hellenic Ministries to bring the message of hope as found in the Gospel to the people of Greece.
Starting July 6, more than 14,000 Christian volunteers will descend on Korinos, a small Greek town near the biblical cities of Thessalonica and Berea, according to the Assist News report.
These volunteers are among an even bigger number of people coming from 20 different nations who will be distributing copies of the New Testament in modern Greek to thousands of homes in northern Greece.
In the past few years, volunteers have distributed more than 800,000 copies of the New Testament to homes throughout mainland Greece and the country's many islands. Like the seeds in the Parable of the Sower, some of distributed Scriptures have fallen on hard soil, some on shallow soil, and some among the thorns. But some have fallen on good soil and there have been many encouraging responses, according to the Hellenic Ministries.
The people's positive response has led to the development of new church plants and home Bible study groups. Teams of evangelical Greeks have visited the areas where the Bible distribution has taken place and linked up with interested people, according to Johnathan Macris, President of Hellenic Ministries.
He said he is optimistic that many new churches can be planted as a result of "Operation Joshua."
"We have a good pool of young people who are motivated and energised to go and share the good news with people," Macris said. "We have churches around the globe willing to train interns with the intention of returning to Greece to establish new plants. Through Operation Joshua we are preparing the nation for a great harvest. These are exciting times to be involved in mission work in Greece."
He said, "The hardship and struggles that the nation has experienced in these difficult times has created a hunger and thirst after righteousness and a message of hope. Hellenic Ministries and other associated groups are doing their best to be available to gather up the harvest."