New Bible Studies with Music Videos and Bands
|PIC1|Christian artists in the U.S. are introducing a new bible study format through their own music.
Big Shiny Planet, a six-week Bible study for student ministry led through music and video, will present a lesson based on songs from an artist or band..
Instead of learner guides or student books, teens in the study receive an enhanced CD containing the music from the study as well as other resources to prepare for weekly lessons.
"Music is a powerful way to reach a generation of teens searching for answers," said Alan Vermilye, executive producer of Big Shiny Planet. "But with teens, you must earn the right to be heard." Big Shiny Planet provides artists that opportunity with both their music and their ministry.
That's what attracted BarlowGirl to the concept of hosting a study based on their song "Grey."
"Everything is either black or white, something is either right or wrong and you
have to know what that is," said Lauren Barlow from BarlowGirl.
Building off their theme verse, Romans 12:2, the three Barlow sisters confront the issue of absolute truth while challenging teens not to conform to the world's patterns. Alyssa Barlow adds, "Romans 12:2 is a daily challenge of running to God before I run to the media, before I run to the mirror, before I find out what people think of me."
"I'd say to you don't be ashamed, don't be afraid to believe and admit that you are a believer," said Scott Beshears of Building 429, talking about their song "Fearless". "No matter what the world throws at me, I can make it through, I can persevere, and that's what fearless is all about."
Popular Christian rock band Stellar Kart is out touring these days with a new album and a hit single called "Life is Good".
"The Christian life doesn't have to be boring," said Adam Agee, lead singer of Stellar Kart. Taking Paul's letter to the Philippians and their song "Life is Good," the band talks about the good life both now and in eternity. "Obviously, Paul had a high expectation of what heaven is like. He said, 'To die is gain.' Paul knew he was going to heaven, and it was only getting better from here," said bassist Brian Calcara.
Big Shiny Planet also includes studies from GRITS, The Turning, and Jessie Daniels. To view videos from each study or to download a sample visit, go to