New publishing house to help Christians take a stand
A new publishing house is being formally launched today to help Christians "face the challenges of the secular world".
The launch of Wilberforce Publications will be joined by the Right Reverend Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester and author of 'Triple Jeopardy for the West: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islamism and Multiculturalism'.
Also present will be Christian Legal Centre client Dr Richard Scott, author of 'Christians in the Firing Line', the second title from Wilberforce Publications.
Dr Scott was reported to the General Medical Council by a patient after discussing his faith during a private consultation at Bethesda Medical Centre in Margate, Kent.
In his new book, he talks about the challenges he and other Christians have faced in the workplace for manifesting their faith.
The book examines thirteen cases of Christians who have been "warned, blacklisted, suspended or dismissed for refusing to compromise their biblical principles".
In the foreword to Christians in the Firing Line, Bishop Nazir-Ali states: "We are made immediately aware of the price to be paid and the cost involved whether it is loss of employment, the threat of being struck off the registers of professional bodies or just unpopularity in the community or the media.
"In my experience, the exclusion from employment or participation in public life, which the people in these cases have tasted, as well as discrimination because of belief, which they have also experienced, is often the beginning of persecution."
The launch will also be joined by lawyer John Scriven, author of 'Belief and the Nation', an application of Christian political philosophy to areas like human rights, equality, education and freedom of expression, and the first book to be published by Wilberforce Publications.
The new publishing house has grown out of the Wilberforce Academy, an annual training course for young Christian graduates and students run by Christian Concern.