New York Billboard Draws Criticism from Anti-Abortion Catholics
A New York company has angered anti-abortion activists by using the contentious issue to advertise its storage business, by showing a wire coat hanger and the slogan: "Your closet space is shrinking as fast as her right to choose."
"It's trashy and its vulgar and it's in your face with its crudity," Kiera McCaffrey, of the Catholic League said on Thursday about the Manhattan Mini Storage billboard.
The Roman Catholic group, a vocal opponent of abortion rights, has been urging people to complain to the company.
Mary Alice Carr, of NARAL Pro-Choice New York, which advocates abortion rights, said such advertisements reminded people to stay active, even in a city like New York, where the majority of residents support abortion rights.
Manhattan Mini Storage's advertisements are often political and known for being quirky. Another recent ad depicted a "confidential" document with the slogan: "Your Closet's Scarier Than Bush's Agenda."
A representative for Edison Properties, which owns Manhattan Mini Storage, was not immediately available for comment.