Pop group launches campaign to free Asia Bibi

An all-out media blitz has been started to raise awareness for Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian mother of five children who has been sentenced to death by hanging for defending her Christian beliefs.

According to IndCatholicNews.com, the Free Asia Bibi campaign includes the release of a song titled "Free Asia Bibi", a music video and an informational website, created by Christian electo-pop band, Ooberfuse.

The music video features a disturbing visual portrayal of the squalid prison conditions where Asia Bibi is being held. She is the first woman in Pakistan's modern history to be sentenced to death by hanging.

Ooberfuse band member Hal St John, said: "When we were invited to be involved in this project we knew very little about the life and significance of Asia Bibi. We started reading all of the press accounts of her trial and condemnation to death."

Ooberfuse stumbled across Asia Bibi's autobiography, which had been written in French with the help of a journalist.

They then set out to translate it to English and were horrified by the profound injustice of her situation.

In the last paragraph of the autobiography Asia says: "Now that you know me, tell those around you what is happening; let them know about it. This is the only chance I have of being freed from this dungeon."

Cherrie Anderson, the front-woman of Ooberfuse stated: "We want the world to not just hear her story, but to do something about it! - If you're based in the UK, please join us outside the Pakistan embassy on Thursday, June 14."

On the web:
Watch the Ooberfuse video at youtu.be/oe8_Pjaedes

The song can be downloaded at: ooberfuse.bandcamp.com/track/free-asia-bibi?permalink
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