Prayers on anniversary of Egypt uprising

The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK has offered his prayers for people in Egypt a year to the day since the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

In a statement to mark the anniversary, Bishop Angaelos offered his prayers for those who have lost their lives or suffered as a result of the social and political upheaval in the last year.

He noted that the uprising had still to meet the people’s expectations of a more free and fair democratic Egypt.

“In reality, at least in the short term, the transition has brought greater social divisions and subsequently given rise to increased attacks on minorities, mainly Christians,” he said.

“We therefore offer our prayers for all those who have suffered at this time as a result of these challenges, as well as those affected by an ailing economy, increasing unemployment and general breakdown in law and order.”

Despite the difficulties for Christians, Bishop Angaelos said they would not “live in a spirit of defeat or self-pity” but continue to witness their faith in their daily lives.

He called for “all necessary steps” to be taken to ensure that accountability, justice and transparency prevail in the new state.

The bishop went on to condemn the killing of civilians in demonstrations in Tahrir and Maspero, and called for a thorough investigation.

“This is indeed a turning point in Egypt's contemporary history,” he said.

“It is a time at which there can still be positive reform and the building of a new nation that is cohesive, and instils a sense of citizenship, ownership and responsibility into every Egyptian, ceasing to focus on the person's religious or political stance, but more on his or her contribution and accountability to a single nation state and equality before the law.”

He continued: “[We pray for] wisdom and strength for all those who still seek to make Egypt a credible and productive and embracing state for every Egyptian.

“We pray especially that the coming days, weeks and months will pass without further needless bloodshed.”