Two religious leaders and a bestselling author are warning the public about the coming end times, saying the "signs in the heavens are giving warning of impending judgment [but] not immediate judgment."
Appearing on "The Jim Bakker Show," Rabbi Jonathan Cahn made it clear that no man can ever predict the exact Day of Judgment since "you cannot put God in a box."
"We cannot be dogmatic about timing, we cannot say something has to happen at a certain time. We cannot put God in a box because when we put God in a box, He gets out," Cahn told WND.
"God calls us to be vigilant and to be watchmen in the end times, and to warn and to give warning," said Cahn, the subject of the hit new documentary film "The Harbinger Man."
"If we do not give warning, we are held accountable. We are living in the end times. These are days of apostasy, these are dangerous, the Bible says perilous times. So we need to warn; it is better to warn and it is better to be safe than sorry."
Pastor Mark Biltz, the discoverer of the "Blood Moons" phenomenon, shared Cahn's views.
"This is a situation akin to signs warning of a bridge being out being placed ahead of a location, not at the location of the bridge itself," Biltz told WND.
"God always warns before he brings judgment. And He gives us time," he said.
"God is above us, He's sovereign," Cahn added.
Joel Richardson, bestselling author of "Mideast Beast" and the host of the Internet Christian sensation "The Underground," joined Cahn and Biltz in warning Christians that they should remain watchful and to always put their faith first.
Richardson also defended Cahn from accusations that he had wrongly predicted doomsday.
"While some have sought to cast Jonathan Cahn in a negative light because the world did not end after this past September, the fact is that Jonathan never predicted that the world would end," Richardson said. "He was careful not to make predictions. Others may have run with his message and made claims, but he never did."
Cahn told Bakker that, "Nothing has to happen at a set time, or a set day, or even by the parameters of Shemitah."
Cahn was referring to the end of a seven-year cycle and a rare fourth blood moon whose combination, the Jewish people believe, could have a huge impact on the world. That seven-year Jewish cycle ended on Sept. 13, according to CBN News.
Actually, Cahn said, what he predicted would happen in the Shemitah of 2015 did happen.
As he had earlier predicted, Cahn said the stock market, which had been rising, reached the Shemitah and hit its peak on May 19, and then began a "long-term collapse."
Cahn noted that weeks leading up to September were filled with volatility, including some of the largest single-day declines in stock market history last August.
August also saw huge declines in the stock markets of Brazil, India and especially China, where the stock market fell almost 40 percent. The total losses worldwide are many trillions of dollars, Cahn noted.
Cahn had also pointed out that the Shemitah of 2015 would mark the end of the "American Age" in global geopolitics.
Now, China is the world's largest economy, he said. "That is a gigantic shift in itself," he added.
Cahn maintained that the economic fluctuations that marked the 2015 Shemitah were not yet the fulfilment of the "great shaking" he believes is coming to the United States. However, he urged believers to be on guard.
"We are racing to judgment," warned Cahn. "The harbingers have not stopped. The harbingers have continued."
"The most important preparation is to be right with God," he said. "For those of you who seek and are anxious for God's coming, who seek the signs of the times, you are well prepared and well done. Stay prepared and stay vigilant, because God is God and He is not mocked, and these are the Last Days. He is exact, He is precise, and He does things according to His timing."