Scottish Episcopal Church Elects New Primus
The Rt Rev Dr Idris Jones replaces the Rt Rev Bruce Cameron who retired from the office of Primus at the end of April after five years as leader of the Scottish Episcopal Church.
One of two candidates, Bishop Idris, soon to be the Most Reverend, was elected at a re-convened meeting of the Episcopal Synod (College of Bishops), in Dunblane this week.
“The Episcopal Church is well poised in many areas to make a significant contribution to developing the life of our Nation,” said Bishop Jones on his election at the Synod this week, which was chaired by Rev Cameron.
|AD|“I call upon every congregation and every diocese to join with the College of Bishops in making sure that our Church puts forward the Kingdom of God in serving the communities of which we are a part.”
Bishop Jones was drawn from lots in accordance with biblical precedence, following discussion and a time of prayer.
His election comes with the full support of his fellow bishops.
The Most Rev Dr Idris Jones was consecrated as Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway in 1998 and has acted as Senior Bishop since 2005.
In his new role as Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church he will preside over the College of Bishops and represent them and the wider Church at home and throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion.