Why God Doesn't Remove All Pain and Sickness


The premise that follows God's ability to heal is that he can and will heal all sickness. So if that's the case, why doesn't God heal all diseases or at least not in the abruptness and methodology that we would want Him to?

I have experienced God's healing in miraculous ways myself and firmly believe that it is within God's infinite capacity to heal all and any diseases. But there have also been instances that God did not bring the healing that I had prayed for.

I lost my mother to cancer at an early age, my grandmother to a hospital accident, a grandfather to pneumonia and another to stroke. As part of ministry, I have visited many people in hospitals and have lost them no matter how hard we pray. So why doesn't God remove all pain and sickness?

God Allows Pain and Sickness for a Reason

God is not the origin of pain and sickness. Our sin and brokenness are. But in God's great sovereignty He still finds a way to make all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). I'm not saying that we shouldn't pray for God's healing. We can and should do so.

But the greatest desire we should have is God's sovereign will. We might not always understand it, but we will eventually, either in this life or in the next.

God Wants to But We Refuse to Let Go of What Causes It

Sometimes God has all the intent to heal us, but it is us who do not desire healing. How does that look like? Imagine someone who wants to be rid of a lung disease but does not quit smoking, or someone who wants healing from a cholesterol problem but does not watch his diet.

Yes, God is a God of miraculous healing, but He is also a God of wisdom and stewardship. We have our own part to play in experiencing the fullness of God. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says, "For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

The Sickness and Pain of This World Magnifies the Glory of Life Eternal

One of the most beautiful reminders I have had every time I catch a flu, get a migraine or become too exhausted to work is that in heaven all this will just be a distant memory. Sickness magnifies not just the depravity of this world but also the beauty of our destination and destiny in life eternal with Christ.

We don't always get healed here on earth, but in heaven we will be. There will no longer be any sickness, pain, worry, fear or doubt in the full presence of God. That is the ultimate wholeness that we so often long for and it will be ours soon.

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