A report from Oklahoma claims that the Trump Administration's immigration policies are contributing to some immigrants being too afraid to go to church.
The story claims Baptist, Catholic, evangelical and other churches have all reported fears among members about attending services.
The Oklahoman reports the Hispanic Baptist Pastors Alliance statement in response to President Trump's immigration-related executive orders. One of those who signed the declaration, Rev Felix Cabrera, lead pastor of Iglesia Bautista Central, said his church is seeing a decrease in attendance in its Sunday services, 'because Hispanic brethren are afraid to be arrested on the way there, and/or, as we have seen happen already, receive a call that one of their family members has been arrested by Immigration & Customs Enforcement'.
Trump's immigration policies have already been heavily criticized by Roman Catholic Bishops. Meanwhile, an evangelical pastor who led prayers at Trump's inauguration says he is ready to offer a safe haven to immigrants being deported. Time reported on the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez.
He said: 'The anxiety in Christian conservative, evangelical churches has grown exponentially, because many of our worshipers, many of the families we serve, many of the families in our pews, may very well lack the appropriate documentation, even though we have a don't ask don't tell policy.'