Back to Jerusalem

The jacket of Back to Jerusalem recalls Napoleon's observation, "When China is moved it will change the face of the globe." The book suggests that those words are becoming a reality.

The book is written by Brother Yun, Peter Xu Yongze and Enoch Wang with Paul Hattaway.Here three Chinese church leaders, who together have spent more than 40 years in prison for the Gospel, explain the history and present-day reality of the Back to Jerusalem movement.

The Back to Jerusalem vision has been a strength among Chinese churches since the early 1940s. Chinese church leaders think that the church currently has become firmly established on the mainland. They believe that it is their task to continue the westward advance, and to take the gospel back to Jerusalem where it began.

The earliest attempt to implement this Back to Jerusalem vision is seized by the power of the Chinese communist party in 1949. There was little obvious fruit. Those involved were imprisoned and most died before being liberated. However, the vision endured, in the form, for example, of hymns, and was powerfully rekindled with the release from prison of Simon Zao in 1988, one of the only pioneers to survive.

The aim now is to mobilise 100,000 missionaries from China who will move quietly ¡V 'an army of worms' ¡V westwards and plant house churches on the Chinese model in the most resistant parts of the world.

In Back to Jerusalem the leaders most involved with this movement describe the origins of the vision, explain their strategy and respond to questions, also describing how they got involved themselves. The final chapters constitute a call to the rest of the world church to recognise the priority of mission and to engage in it.

Back to Jerusalem is a brief but remarkable book, significant for a number of reasons. First, it shows the tremendous mission growth not only in numbers but also in vision and dynamism. Second, it underlines the fact that the presence of the Holy Spirit in a church is indicated above all by its zeal for the expansion of the gospel.

Third, it reminds us that God's mission may be advanced in many ways, and that the structures and strategies that western mission has set up and been relying on, are not the only means. The Chinese church is seeking to adapt the approaches which have been proved so effective in its own expansion to take the gospel beyond its political obstacles.

Fourth, the authors recognise the biblical truth that the progress of the gospel has always been accompanied by suffering, and that the areas they want to evangelise will not be reached without it. Of 39 missionaries sent out already all but 3 have been arrested.

Back to Jerusalem is intended for western Christian readers and it demands careful attention on them.It should be seen not least as an urgent challenge from the Chinese church to renewed and sacrificial missionary effort.

"A very challenging and provoking story of God's current move amoung the Chinese house church. It deeply touched me and I felt "connected" to the vision of these remarkable people. I would like to be captivated by the same passion they have. I would encourage anyone with a true love for Jesus to read this book.", a reader commented in