A lady Chinese House Leader released from prison
BEIJING(March 22)- Believers around the world express their happiness over the release of a lady Chinese House Church leader and are thanking God for answering their prayers but some doubt remain unsettled.
Ms. Xu Yongling, known as ‘Deborah?in the West, who was arrested on Jan. 25 in Nanyang, Henan Province and was in the custody of the Henan National Security Bureau has been released from prison and is now under house arrest. It's unclear how long she'll be under house arrest. As the unregistered house church movement grows, many believe more arrests could be made.
Deborah Xu is one of the ‘Born-Again Movement?leaders ?one of the fastest growing House Churches in China.
In the meantime, Zeng Guangbo, a Chinese house church leader from Nanyang city, Henan province who was re-arrested on March 1, 2004 while trying to pass the Inner-Mongolia border to Russia for a house church ministry there and many other House Church leaders are reportedly suffering under different forms of treatment so as to give up their faith and activities.
Let us continue to pray for them.