Regional Evangelism and Church Planting Centers in Russia
The Russian Ministries Team traveled 2900 km to some of the most remote parts of Arctic Siberia, to cover 11 time zones of Russia, a very cold country. Just as Jesus taught us to share the gospel to the ends of the earth.
The leaders were national missionaries that well trained and equipped for last decade, they are very good at training and disciplining young people for ministry in places where the gospel has never been preached before. It is very meaningful to mobilize, equip and train next generation leaders for the emerging evangelical church in the former Soviet Union.
"This trip was one of the most exciting trips of the last several years in terms of ministry opportunities and accomplishments," said Sergey Rakhuba, Vice President of Russian Ministries, based in Wheaton, Illinois, on his return from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
"There is still tremendous opportunity to expand national church growth through our newly-designed program to nourish next generation church leaders. This is a key strategy, not just for the Russian Ministries team, but for many other groups as well. We work on this new strategy and have utmost respect for older, established, church leaders in the former Soviet Union. We respect their faithfulness and give them great credit even as we look forward to the future. (2Tim. 2-2)."Rakhuba continued.
"I greatly appreciate this because it enables us to continue fulfilling our ministry obligations, taking the Gospel to places where nobody goes, and disciplining, training and equipping new believers eager to do their part to help fulfill the Great Commission."
In this mission trip, about 4,000 people in Yamal heard the gospel and about 1,000 of them are children and youth; 2,500 children's Bibles were distributed to children and families; 2,000 gospel tracks were distributed to ethnic tribal people in their own language and 500 gift boxes generously donated by the Samaritan's Purse."