Celebration of the National Day of Thanksgiving held by Churches

This year celebration of the National Day of Thanksgiving will be plan by the churches across Australia. In order to ensure the success across Australia, individuals and church networks are planned events together.

In recent days, business and church leaders will host by state dinner in NSW state parliament addressed by senior church leaders. Following by breakfasts hosted by combined churches are organized in a number of places to allow thanks to be given to invited guests include Mayors, Members of Parliament, School Principals, SES Members, Head of Community service organizations such as ambulance, fire services, hospitals and etc.

On 29th May Saturday night, a combined churches celebration services are planned with communities. Following that, high school students prepared and serviced morning tea for all school teachers in their community for thanks them their commitment to serve their community. Many street festivals in local parks will be host by Churches to allow community celebration of the National Thanksgiving Day.

This event will get the Christian message across by using different communities and means that can reflect the Christian values present to people and the nation.

Louis Leun