The Age-old Problem of the Empty Dancefloor

Q:I am trying to organise a party at our church and we are wanting to hire out some kind of band or DJ for our hall but we are terrified of a great big empty dancefloor on the night. Even if lots of people turn up I'm just worried everyone will sit there and the DJ will just play to an empty floor. Do you know any things we can try to stop this from happening?

A:Dear Leanne, You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink i.e. there’s nothing you can really do to ‘make’ people get up and dance. As long as you’ve got a good DJ or band who will ‘read the audience’ and play the right music to encourage people to dance then you should find that people eventually dance even if it gets off to a slow start. You could try a few icebreaker games before hand to help people get to know each other if that’s necessary.

(Courtesy of Affinity Events)