1200 Church leaders in Taiwan attended 'Heal the People' Crusade

Taiwan Yangmei Bread of Life Church held a special meeting with the theme "Heal the People" in the midst of February. It was hosted by Rev. John Sandford couple, the meeting last for 2 days and it attracted 1200 people from 160 churches in Taiwan to join.

It was 13 years ago since the last visit of Rev. John Sandford's couple, this special meeting was supposed to be held on January, it was delayed due to the sickness of Rev. John, but with sincere prayers and earnest anticipation of the congregations, the meeting ended gracefully and it touched everyone's heart.

There are four messages of the meeting, the first law is "scatter and harvest", all behaviors which oppose the truth are evil, if the evil was scattered in this land, then everything will ruin. This is the causes and effects theory. But only when we pray for the mercy of God, it will end this vicious circulation.

Secondly, the healing ministry started from family, this is the key to abolish the curse, just as which is written at the end of the book of Malachi, "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse."

Thirdly, without enough prayers, no healing will take place. In James 5:16, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteousness man is powerful and effective."

Fourthly, we should also seek the healing of the land. The land was cursed because of the fall of man. "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time."(Romans 8:22). When man repent and seek the face of God, the land will be healed.

Rev. Sandford is one of the pioneer of "Inner healing and Release" ministry. 20 years ago, God called him to write a series of 7 books which include "The Elijah Task","The Transformation of the Inner Man" "Healing the Wounded Spirit" "Restoring the Christian family", "The renewal of the Mind", "Healing the Nations" and "The Healing of the Earth?"

In 1974, Rev. Sandford started "Elijah House". Elijah House serves to inspire and educate individuals and churches to confess their sins, forgive, and equip one another for maturity in ministry to effect positive social and community changes. All that Elijah House does has one goal: to unite people with Jesus so all may experience the transforming power of His death and resurrection.

To know more about the ministry, visit Elijah House Ministry website at