19 Kids and Counting': Jessa Duggar pregnant three weeks after the big wedding?

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"19 Kids and Counting" couple Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald have been married for more than three weeks now. But as fresh as the wedding ceremonies are, rumors suggest this early that the Duggar daughter is already on the family way. 

When still courting, the couple was only allowed to do side hugs. No kissing, hand holding and front hugging. But now that all restrictions are behind them and that the Seewalds' honeymoon in Paris already allowed them to enjoy their much-awaited alone time, the pregnancy news readily sprouted from In Touch Weekly. But while the news came as a surprise, it is nonetheless reasonable.  After all, the 22-year-old did say that she longs to make a big family like the one she has.  

"They look at sex as a present from God and they couldn't wait to open it on their wedding day. I wouldn't be surprised if Jessa were pregnant already," the source from the site revealed. 

Furthermore, Jessa's cousin Amy's grandmother Lenora Jordan thinks the Ben's wife will do a great job at being a mommy. 

"She's got the experience, taking care of her brothers and sisters. Jess would be the perfect mother," Jordan told In Touch, according to Daily Mail. 

In light of the news, there remain the rumors that the newlyweds plan on adopting. 

"We've got a lot of different ideas about what we're going to do, but adopting is definitely one of them," Seewald said previously.

While Examiner as well as the fans of the two lovebirds find the idea sweet and exciting, Inquisitr comments that it is all a big diversion. The media outlet remarked that Jessa's baby bump is merely the Duggar family's means to divert the attention and criticism from their most recent issue, which involved the family taking dow photos of gay couples posted on their Facebook page.

Will Ben and Jessa spend their first moments as husband and wife expanding their family? Whether the news about Jessa and Ben expecting a baby is true or not, the couple may opt to delay the announcement. Nevertheless, "19 Kids and Counting" viewers can only wait when Jessa finally breaks the news.