'19 Kids and Counting' season finale recap, latest news: The Duggars explain courtship

The Duggar familyFacebook/ Duggar Family Official

This week on the season finale of "19 Kids and Counting," the Duggars explained all about the tradition of courting. The TLC crew took to the streets to ask people if they know what courting is, and most admitted that they don't know or never heard about it. The Duggar children think of courting as "dating with a purpose." 

"First you're friends, then you court, then you get engaged, then you get married, and then you're best friends," one of them said. 

The importance of asking the father's permission to court a girl was also discussed. Both Derek and Ben asked for Jim Bob's permission to court his daughters because it was the right thing to do. The older Duggar children and Michelle and Jim Bob have all acted as chaperones during courtship. It was revealed that when Ben was courting Jessa, her parents were included in the group text messages between the two, and that Jill and Derek went on a double date with Jim Bob and Michelle. 

When TLC asked strangers on the street what they think about the idea of having chaperones, some thought that it is unnecessary and awkward, while others showed approval because it ensures that "nothing bad" would happen during the date.

As for expressing affection during the courtship period, the Duggar family sticks to side hugs and don't hold hands until after engagement, and for them the first kiss should take place at the wedding.

One person interviewed by TLC thought that saving the first kiss for the wedding is unrealistic nowadays. Another person said, "Saving it would be cool, but that's kind of impossible."

During the season, Jill and Derek shared their very first kiss at their wedding, while Jessa and Ben opted to have their first kiss also at their own wedding, but not in front of their guests. The two chose to have that special moment in a private place and instead, they asked Michelle and Jim Bob to kiss for them. 

So what can fans expect when the show comes back for its next season on TLC? This season, there were a lot of surprises from the Duggar family, and one of the biggest revelations was Jessa's pregnancy. Fans can expect to see Jessa's pregnancy progress and the birth of her child, which is due on Nov. 1. Viewers can also expect to see more of Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson as the show chronicles their courtship. The birth of Josh and Anna's fourth child will also be seen in the new season, and fans can tune it to see how Jill and Derek's baby Israel grows.

Tune in when "19 Kids and Counting" returns to TLC for more of the Duggar Family.