19 Kids and Counting star Derick Dillard shares how he met Jill Duggar, 'the girl of my dreams'

Derick Dillard shares how he met the girl of his dreams.Instagram/ jilldillard

Did you know that it was actually 19 Kids and Counting patriarch Jim Bob Duggar who paved the road for Derick Dillard and his daughter Jill's romance?

This was what Derick revealed in the Dillard Family Blog, as he recalled doing humanitarian work in Nepal two years ago. Derick shared that Jim Bob had been assigned as one of his prayer partners, so they had to talk every couple of weeks and discuss their work and current prayer needs.

"Jill's dad would also mention periodically the work Jill was doing in her studies as a student midwife and her desire to someday use her skills overseas on the mission field. Being that we had similar life goals, she caught my attention," he said.

The first time he and Jill spoke was over the phone in March 2013, and the next conversation they had was in August that same year. Even though their conversations were brief and polite, Derick's interest had already been stirred and he started praying to God about her.

"The answer to my prayer came just before I left Nepal for a two week trip to Japan. During a conversation with Jim Bob, he mentioned how he thought Jill and I might get along well, having similar personalities and direction in life. He gave me Jill's phone number and we began texting, then emailing, then skyping/talking on the phone," he shared.

With the help of modern technology, Derick and Jill had the opportunity to know each other better even though they were living thousands of miles apart from each other. Derick said that most of their conversations revolved around their values and life goals.

Come November, Jim Bob and Jill decided to go to Nepal for a couple of weeks, and Derick was extremely excited about finally meeting Jill. He prayed to God to give him a clear direction about a possible relationship with Jill, and he later became convinced that the Lord wanted him to begin a courtship with her. He asked Jill about it, and much to his delight, she agreed.

It took two years before Derick would be able to go back to the United States, and when he did, he finally met the rest of the Duggar clan for the first time. "I enjoyed spending time getting to know Jill and her family better," he said.

Now, the couple are happily married and have just welcomed their first son into the world, Israel David.