'23 Jump Street' movie sequel news: Sony email hack reveals sequel will be a 'Men in Black' crossover

Without a shadow of a doubt, the pairing of Jonas Hill and Channing Tatum in "21 Jump Street" gave everyone one of the best laughs of their lives. It was certain that a sequel to the movie will happen and it did with "22 Jump Street." Now, the question is, will there be another sequel? The short answer is definitely.

"22 Jump Street" ended with a montage of the different movie posters that featured "23 Jumpstreet" up to "30 Jump Street" and more. Each movie poster showed a different theme, so fans are wondering, what could really be next for the action-comedy movie?

Sony is reportedly considering taking the movie back to 1997 for a revival of a sci-fi film popularly known as "Men in Black." According to Slash Film, Sony is considering a "Jump Street" and "Men in Black" crossover. The report came from the Sony email hack, which revealed that the crossover is in talks.

The Hollywood Reporter also reported that "Jump Street" star Jonah Hill and Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal are already discussing the crossover idea. However, it still remains as an idea; there's no script or go signal from Sony Pictures yet.

The email hack revealed that the messages didn't talk about the involvement of "Men in Black" actors Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. But, the participation of Steven Spielberg was definitely in talks.

Hill and Tatum will reprise their roles. Previous "Jump Street" directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord will return to produce. Rodney Rothman will be one of the writers. The expected release of the sequel in 2015 or 2017, the latter sounds a bit more realistic seeing that "22 Jump Street" was just released this year.

Could a crossover like this really work? What would it mean to both movie franchises? If Sony Pictures will be successful in carrying this plan out, Wall Street Journal says that it could be like a Marvel-style universe. It will be an entire new universe for "Jump Street" while it will pave the way for a "Men in Black" reboot. A win-win situation for Sony Pictures and the two movie franchises.