24-7 Mission Teams Get Ready for Exciting Adventures this Summer

The 24-7 Mission Teams are now preparing for exciting adventures this coming summer. First of all, there will be the first ever 24-7 "Olympic" team heading out to Athens, Greece; this year the pioneer teams will be based in Barcelona and Brazil. Other mission places include Macedonia, Belgrade, Ibiza, London, Ayia Napa.

Before the teams going out throughout July and August, training will be held to equip each team member. The Mission training will start next week, from 30th June to 3rd July, in Emmanuel Church, Guildford, Surrey, UK. Around 100 people from all over the world will be represented, including South Africans, Americans, Swiss, Spanish, Swedes and Germans.

The training will focus on prayer and worship, and will be a great opportunity for them to prepare as a team. There will be "quality teaching" on team life, mission, evangelism and prayer.

The training time will be a powerful time for getting equipped. People like Debra Green, '100 Hours', Pete Greig, Tre Sheppard and Ian Nicholson will be involved. On Thursday evening, 1st July Pete Greig will be speaking on 'The big picture' with '100 Hours' leading the worship. On Friday evening on the 2nd July Carl Tinnion of YWAM will be speaking and praying for the teams as they go out all over the world.

Over the past three years, the 24-7 Mission team has successfully lead many people to grow in God, their lives have been touched and changed, and now longer term projects are emerging to further develop participant's faith.

The schedule of the Mission Team is as follow:
Macedonia: 5th-20th July
Brazil: 5th-24th July
Athens Olympics: 9th-29th August
Avia Napa: Team A?th-21st July
-Team A: 7th-21st July
-Team B: 25th July-8th August
-Team C: 11th-25th August