24-7 Prayer Week for British Parliament Calls for Churches’ Support

Co-organised by the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship, the Whitehall Network and 24-7 prayer network, a week of prayer for the British Parliament and Whitehall will be launched on 19th -26th June. Churches across the UK have been called to support the prayer initiative so as to bring about a fundamental change to the country at this crucial time.

The Bible verses taken from 2 Chronicles 7:14 encourages the fellowship and prayer network to commit in prayers in the midst of social chaos in the UK. It reads, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

A number of prayer gatherings will take place across the Parliament estate and Whitehall departments. Other activities include daily prayer-walking around the Westminster sites from 10:30am, evening prayer, all-night prayer meeting from 8pm till 8am as well as worship events in local churches. This event is supported by MPs and Peers from each of the major political parties.

Steve Webb MP has said, "The Bible urges us to pray for those in authority, and the 24-7 week of prayer is a fantastic opportunity for us to get together and do just this at the start of a brand new Parliamentary term. As the chair of this year's National Prayer Breakfast in Westminster, I feel that 2005 is a significant year of prayer for Parliament and I warmly encourage you to get involved."

Meanwhile, the City of London Boiler Room, part of the 24-7 prayer network, will be officially launched on 17th June. A 24-7 Boiler Room is a simple Christian community that practices a daily rhythm of prayer, study and celebration whilst caring the community and bringing the Gospel to them.