3 tips to making peace with all people


"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Matthew 5:9

The Lord Jesus did say that peacemakers, the kind of people who love to make peace with others - especially enemies - are blessed. As children of God, we ought to be a people who love peace and make peace with others. This is a noble thing to do.

There are times, however, when making peace is a very difficult, even dangerous thing to do. What is making peace anyway? Are we required to make peace with everyone?


Webster's dictionary defines a "peacemaker" as someone "who makes peace by reconciling parties that are at variance." These people make peace with their enemies, and help settle disagreements between two parties.

Peacemakers do well in helping settle fights, and help others live without any bitterness in their hearts. We are called to be such people, a people who will do what it takes to set things straight with others.

Do you want to be a peacemaker? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you go and make peace with others.

1) Don't bury the feelings

Making peace with people means forgiving them for the offense they have done, not burying the pain in denial, only for it to rise up when our emotions get triggered. That isn't peacemaking; that's lying to self.

When we make peace with people, we consciously choose to forgive our offender and move on with our lives. We approach our offender, tell them what they have done wrong, and forgive them even when they don't ask for it.

This is done so that bitterness will not take root in our hearts.

2) Grow through it

Peacemaking doesn't mean setting ourselves up for another world of hurt. When we make peace with others, we must never let our guards down; we just let go of the offense, but we don't allow it to happen again.

Peace is defined as the "freedom from disturbance or agitation" in relation with others. We don't have a quarrel with them, nor do we breed any ill feelings against them. We're basically in a state of quiet as far as others are concerned.

With this in mind, making peace doesn't have to mean trying to please others. It simply means we release the offenses and hold no hurts against another, while doing our best to protect ourselves.

3) Be careful

While peacemaking is a Godly character, there will be times when making peace can be dangerous. Case in point: abusive people.

The Bible tells us to be forgiving, but it also tells us that we should be wise because we are sent as sheep in the midst of wolves. Thus, we must be careful with our choices of friends.

Some offenders, though already forgiven, are best kept at a distance. Forgiveness is commanded, befriending and allowing for company is optional. We must always be wise.