3 Christmas activities that will help you understand God's love for you

Jesus' coming showed us just how loving God really is.Pixabay

Christmas is a time for us to get to know God and His love for us. It's more than just a time to eat and be merry with family and friends. It's a time to reflect on God's goodness to all men.

The first Christmas was a dramatic account of how God's salvation came in the form of a little baby boy, born of a virgin in a stable - the King of Kings laid down in an unlikely place because there was no room for Him in the lives of men. Many of us fail to realize that God made Himself of no reputation just so that we could be saved.

That's how much He loved us.

Know God more

This Christmas, I'd like to invite you to take a journey to understand how much God loves you. I know it's impossible for us to comprehend His love for us, because it's just so great. But I also know God delights in making Himself known to us. After all, He is our Father if we are in Christ.

That said, here are a few activities that we can do to help us understand God's love for us.

1) Share the Gospel to your family and friends

The Bible says that Jesus went through all Jerusalem, healing the sick and preaching the Gospel to everyone (see Matthew 9:35). His love for all people is first demonstrated to His chosen people. Even though the Jews did not believe in Him, He did not stop loving them. He died for everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike.

To help you understand how much God loves His people, reach out to your family with the Gospel. Rejoice when they receive Christ, and keep praying for their salvation if they don't. Pray for them and bless them, especially your parents.

If you have unresolved issues with some family members, then now is the time to make amends. Forgive and ask for forgiveness. Make peace with your family, in the hopes of bringing them all to Christ.

2) Do good to people you don't like

The Bible tells us that "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (see Romans 5:8). We were the most unlovable and unwanted of men. In fact, no one is righteous before God's eyes, but because He loved us, He sent Jesus to save us. Such grace and mercy!

To help you understand God's love for us even when we were sinners, do good to the people who have at one time hurt you. Find someone who used to mock you and insult you, and just do them something good like forgive them, bless them or give them a Christmas gift. Better yet, share the Gospel to them.

3) Reach out to discriminated people and preach the gospel to them

The Bible says that God lets the rain pour on the just and the unjust (see Matthew 5:45). That simply means His love is for everyone, regardless of race or gender, age and socio-economic status. He loves us all and wants us to follow Him.

To help you understand God's universal love, reach out to the people who are often discriminated in your area. Look for beggars, the poor, and people from different races and genders, and tell them about what God has done for us in Christ. Preach the Gospel to them and bring them to Christ.