3 Promises for the Spiritually Starved


What's the longest you have ever gone without food? For me, it was back in college during our intra-university sports week. I went through a marathon of softball games and badminton matches missing breakfast and lunch. After the day was done I went for a late lunch at 4 p.m. eating meals good for four grown men.

I feel terrible that I can't go beyond a day without food. I'm sorry if this makes me look like a glutton, but that's just my appetite.

Speaking of appetite, that's what Job spoke of in scripture when he said that he only has an appetite for God and his Word and presence even more than food itself. (Job 23:12)

The danger behind spiritual hunger is that we don't feel it as intensely as physical hunger. However, its consequence is far graver in many ways.

We need to stay away from spiritual starvation, and the good news is that God is just as vigilant and wary about making sure our spirits are fed.

Here are three promises that God gives to those who may experience spiritual starvation today.

1. God Satisfies

The best promise that God gives us is that He indeed is capable of satisfying our whole being: body, mind, soul and spirit. In John 6:35, Jesus said, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."

In all of us is a deep innate hunger for God that can often go unnoticed. But to God it never goes unnoticed. He readily probes and reminds us of our need for Him and then waits for us to open up to Him. Psalm 107:9 says, "For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things."

2. Finding God Is Not Rocket Science

Aren't you glad that you don't have to cross mountains to experience God? Back in the Old Testament, coming into God's presence was a tedious and terribly difficult feat and only happened once a year. There were certain rituals, sacrifices and laws that had to be met.

But today, because of what Christ has done on the cross, we can simply experience and be filled by God simply by asking in faith. It's not rocket science and doesn't have to be complicated. Luke 11:3 says, "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

3. We Can Come Freely

The best thing about experiencing spiritual satisfaction is that it comes for free. There is absolutely nothing we can or have to do to come into the presence of God and experiencing His in-filling. Jesus has paid the price in full and now becomes our mediator—our priest—who has fulfilled all requirements for us so that we now come to the Father freely.

Hebrews 4:15-16 says, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."