3 Reasons Why God Created Us As Creatures That Sleep


Have you ever wondered why God created us to spend almost a third of our lives sleeping? Growing up, especially in a culture that sought to maximize time for all it's worth, I had that question for a very long time. It bothered me that I was "wasting" such a large chunk of my life not doing anything and wondered why God didn't just create us in way that allowed us to keep going and going non-stop to do His work.

Behind the physical body clock that is automated for sleep is a profound and powerful message for all of us, especially those who clamor for more productivity, work, results and so on. Often we can neglect the gift God gives that is rest for more control. We cut through nights for the sake of work projects, parties and relationships only to pay dearly for it after.

Why does God give us sleep? Here are three reasons why God made us human beings to be creatures that sleep.

To show us we are limited

Sleep ultimately limits our time on earth. Think about it: We just lost a third of our whole life span to sleep. But in that limitation, God speaks to us and reminds us that we are indeed limited and that not everything is up to us. We ought to understand that as much as God has blessed us with abilities, He also puts boundaries to what we can do.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." said Jesus (2 Corinthians 12:9; ESV). Almost all the time, we are weaker and less capable than we'd like to be. We want to be able to stay up late, to fly, to make miracles happen, but we can't do all these things and it's important we know that so that we don't think that things are always up to us.

To show us He is unlimited

In our limited ability, God shows His unlimited capacity. Imagine how the world and everything around you continues to operate even while you're asleep. If that doesn't show just how sovereign and in control God is then I don't know what will.

Too often we can fall into the trap of thinking that everything around us is up to us and we cut through sleep trying to put things in order - work, relationships, goals, and many other things. But it's never been up to us. It's always been up to the limitless power of God.

To get us to trust in His unlimited capability

I like what Psalm 4:8 says: "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." This is the true essence of rest - learning to embrace it while leaving God in charge of our security.

That's why God commands us in Exodus 20:8-9, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work." Rest is not just about pausing, but also about remembering the God who will stop at nothing for His plans to come to pass, which ultimately leads to your welfare and hope. When we sleep, we are actually making a declaration that we can rest knowing that our faith is in a God who neither sleeps nor slumbers.