3 reasons why you should celebrate your marriage daily


God gives good gifts to all men, and one of these is marriage. Contrary to how society thinks about singleness and marriage, there's no competition between both statuses.

When God gives you the gift of single-blessedness, you're enabled to love and serve the Lord and dedicate your time and attention to Him and His work alone. 

Marriage, on the other hand, is another amazing gift from God. Marriage enables us to know the Lord in a deeper way through our relationship with our spouses, especially when we look at it from the perspective of Jesus as the Bridegroom and us, the church, as His bride. It's just so amazing, and I tell you that our marriages are worth celebrating every day.

Here are some reasons why you should celebrate your marriage daily.

1. It's an honour to be given a spouse

First of all, we have to realise that before our wives or husbands became ours, they first belonged to God. And now that they're our spouses, they still belong to the Lord first. Following that reasoning, we could clearly and humbly say that it's an honour for us to be given our spouses. It's such a privilege to be trusted by God to take care of our spouses.

Your spouse – that fearfully and wonderfully created person – is loved by the Lord, and you should love that person, too. Celebrate the truth that two persons loved by God have been united to pursue Him together.

2. Not everyone gets to be married and stays married

Our lives are short, and we don't know the number of days that we will have on earth. Why spend it in a state of continued discontent, then? Decide to celebrate the days of your life as a married person. Many don't get to marry the person they love, and on the other end, many fall out of their marriages for many different reasons. 

Think about it: You've been given the amazing privilege of being with someone you could cherish and who will cherish you back for the rest of your life. Fight for your marriage. Enjoy your married life. It's a gift from the Lord!

3. Your spouse will help you get closer to God

"Oh really?" you ask. "Yes, really," I reply. Our spouses, whether godly or ungodly, will in one way or another help us get closer to God in ways we cannot imagine.

For example, suppose you have a God-fearing wife. She'll definitely pray for you and speak godly truth to you and encourage you when you're down. Later you'll find yourself learning to love and trust God the way she does.

But suppose your spouse is ungodly, and has some attitudes and characteristics that just hurt you. Isn't that a reason for you to come closer to the Lord to ask for His help? Your painful relationship with your spouse will give you reasons to draw closer to the Lord, who can and will help you. Later on, when God touches your spouse's heart, you'll even get to witness a miracle. Praise the Lord for that.