3 things God intended that only you could do

God especially designed us to be unique so we can fulfill His will.Pixabay

God designed all of us to be special and unique. While we were all made in His image, that are some things that one person can do, but another person cannot. This makes each of us distinct from another.

Specially handmade

When we think about how distinct we are from each other, we get a glimpse of just how creative our loving God is. There are more than eight billion people in the world, and not one of us is exactly the same as another. Even twins aren't totally alike.

Doesn't that tell us how special we are? It does. Psalm 139:13-14 tells us,

"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."

Now, think about it this way. God made us all unique. While we are all meant to glorify Him and be conformed to the image of His beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, what He planned for us to do is unique to us as well.

That should encourage us to pursue God and do what He wants, simply because we were meant to do something that no other person was meant to do. Pretty exciting, right?

To help you get a glimpse of how unique your design is, here are a few things that only you have been designed to do.

1) Repent of your own sin

First, only you can repent of the sin you've committed. Only you can give the testimony that you have, the one that only Christ can give to only you. Think about it.

No other person on earth has the exact same story as you. While we might have similarities (sinners saved by grace, forgiven through Christ's blood, etc.), the minute details vary. This makes your story of coming to Christ and being saved by Him unique.

2) Fulfill God's call in your life

No person is above another when it comes to our "calling," but only you can fulfill God's call for your life.

We were all called to be like Christ. We were all called to preach the Gospel to all men (see Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15). We were all called to repent of our sins. The little details, again, are the only things that vary.

God calls many to preach, but not everyone is called to preach in the desert communities. Not everyone is called to preach in the marketplace. Not everyone is called to preach in Muslim communities. Not everyone is called to be a stay-at-home mom. What does God call you to do? Do it.

3) Do what God has designed you to – using your unique talents and skills

Lastly, God has prepared all of us to do the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do (see Ephesians 2:10), but we aren't given the same skills, talents, and abilities. We all have different sets of skills and aptitudes that were designed for specific roles.

Let's look at the five-fold ministry (see Ephesians 4:11), for example:

  • Apostles have hearts that are focused on seeing churches grow in Christ.
  • Prophets are more inclined to spending more time with God in prayer than with people in fellowship.
  • Evangelists are naturally drawn towards people for the purpose of preaching the Gospel to them.
  • Pastors are given the ability to care for their flock.
  • Teachers are those who love to scrutinize every detail so they can teach Biblical principles well.

These aren't the only ways to serve God. There are others more. For example:

  • There are some gifted with skills in administration
  • There are some who are gifted with a heart to serve the poor
  • There are some who are skilled in the arts and can use their talents in spreading the word.

God has designed each and every one of us so we can do various kinds of things for service. Let us all fulfill His plans for each and every one of us.