3 things that make Christian marriages different


Godly marriages are very different from normal marriages in various ways. Although from the outside they look like normal happy marriages, Godly marriages have in them certain qualities that distinguish them from common marriage relationships.

The Bible presents to us certain marriage partnerships that serve to give lessons to all Christian couples everywhere. Each of these married couples possess a certain trait that differentiates them from normal, worldly couples. If we want our marriage relationship with our respective spouses to be a Godly one, we will do well to learn from them.

1) Abraham and Sarah - Faith in God (Genesis 15-25)

Abraham and Sarah's marriage was a very important one. God promised Abraham that he'd become the father of many nations, and from that nation came the Messiah – the Lord Jesus Christ. Although their marriage wasn't without problems, Abraham and Sarah's marriage serves to tell us that faith in God is very important.

Abraham and Sarah's union tells us that by faith, we will receive God's promises. Their marriage also tells us that we have to guard our faith and not waver, for when we do we will have problems (see Genesis 16, 21 in context).

2) Ruth and Boaz – Obedience to God (Ruth 1-4)

For sure, no one will get to read something like "God told Ruth" or "the Lord spoke to Boaz" in the book of Ruth, but when you take a closer look at what happened to them, you'll get to see God's hand in their coming together.

First we see Ruth, a Moabite, coming to a decision to never leave her widowed mother-in-law. She effectively renounces her former way of life to become like Naomi, whose God is the Lord. Next, we see her obedience to Naomi, who eventually set her up for the opportunity of a lifetime.

Boaz, on the other hand, was an upright man who followed the rule of being a kinsman redeemer according to the Law of Moses. He eventually married Ruth as both as responsibility and a joy. Would they know that God had them included in the family tree of David?

3) Priscilla and Aquila – commitment to serve the Lord together (Acts 18)

Priscilla and Aquila, a couple who worked with Paul both in trade and in ministry, are an exemplary New Testament couple. They served the Lord together, doing great things for Him.

One of the most notable things they did was that they spent time with the apostle Paul, and afterwards taught Apollos to be a better messenger of the Gospel of Christ.

Another thing notable about them is the partnership they have. Men usually take the prominent role, but for this couple it didn't matter who's who. Scholars believe Priscilla was the more prominent one, and Aquila supported her. Their marriage will serve to tell all couples not to compete with each other, but simply serve the Lord together.