3 things to leave behind as you enter the coming year

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As the year quickly comes to a close, we are reminded to be prepared for the coming of a new year – a time for new opportunities, new experiences, and new dreams to achieve. Do you want to be ready for the coming year?

If you do, then realize that in order for you to fully enjoy tomorrow you'll need to leave yesterday behind. No matter how much fun you've had or how many people you've met, there are times when you've got to just leave it all in the past.

Leave it behind

To help you prepare for the coming year, I have here listed a few things that you should leave behind. Leaving these things in 2017 will allow you to be ready to receive new things for 2018.

1) Disappointments

Have you ever been disappointed at anything this year, so much that you don't ever want to see or try whatever it is that disappointed you? Then it's time to leave that disappointment behind.

We've all been disappointed at anything at any time in our lives. We felt disappointed that our prayers seem to remain unanswered and our expectations unmet.

That may be true, but holding on to those disappointments will just hinder you from being satisfied the next time around. Keep praying, keep hoping, keep believing!

2) Unforgiveness

No, don't you ever dare bring any unforgiveness or bitterness with you to next year – you should release forgiveness as soon as you can! Believe me, it's going to be the most wonderful thing you'll ever do for yourself.

Look back to 2017 and see all that offended you. Don't try to edit things, just see it as it it. Who offended you and why did they offend you? Own your anger and admit the hurt, then repent of the unforgiveness you've had. God has forgiven you when you asked for His forgiveness; He expects you to forgive those who offend you too.

Release forgiveness, and with it, the pain, the hurt, and the sorrow. When you do this, you'll be free to receive love and joy.

3) Failures

Have you ever failed at something this year? Ever tried a new career that didn't work? Ever tried to do something in ministry but failed big time? Ever tried to do something you knew God called you to do but failed to achieve anything that seemed significant?

Then it's time to try again.

Release the disappointment, and let go of your failure. Seek the Lord and try to do as He pleases. Who knows, maybe in 2018 you'll see what God promised you. Learn to trust in Him fully and obey Him with all that you are.

In Closing

Friends, this year was great, and next year will even be greater if we are in the Lord. He is always preparing new things for us, so why should we hold on to the things that He wants us freed from? Leave it all behind and pursue all that God has in store.

I leave you with this exhortation:

"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise." (Isaiah 43:18-21)