3 ways a Christian wife can help her husband pursue righteousness

Husbands and wives do pledge to love and help each other before God.Pixabay

If Christian husbands are in the best position to help their wives fulfill their calling in the Lord, Christian wives are also in the best position to help their husbands pursue God's righteousness. There's such power in the marriage relationship, that if only the husband and the wife would follow God's perfect design for it, it would bring about results that only God could bring.

That said, husbands of today need all the help they can get to fight the good fight of faith. With all the challenges to purity and hindrances to holiness that today's generation brings, husbands sure can use some help from their wives.

In fact, wives can give more than just "a little help." They can give so much more than that.

And so, sisters, I appeal to you as a Christian husband myself: do your best to help the husband that God gave you to pursue Him. Here are a few ways how.

1) Pray for him

Ladies, the best thing you can do for your husband is to ask God to help him. Whether you are together or not at the moment, you can both benefit by praying to God.

There are things that only God can do, and one of them is to convict your husband of righteousness and grant him the desire to pursue Christ-likeness (see John 16:8, 10). Complaining won't make him do this, but praying will.

2) Be a safe place for him to open up

Next, strive to be a safe place for your husband to open up and share what he is going through. Some husbands don't like sharing struggles or thoughts with their wives because when they do, the wife usually responds in a way that either rejects or invalidates the husband's feelings or sentiments.

When your husband opens up and becomes vulnerable to you as he shares a bad experience or a struggle he had during the day, don't go talking down on him as if he's the baddest, most worthless man you've ever known. Sooner or later he won't open up to you anymore.

Instead, strive to be a safe place for him to open up. If he is able to share his deepest worries and hardest struggles with you, he won't have to go out with the boys to talk to them about it. He will find it easier to be transparent and honest with you, and when he does it will be easier for the two of you to work towards following God.

3) Encourage him

Now that you're a safe place for him to open up, take the next step and be his encourager. Did you know that a wife's kind and encouraging words help a husband in ways no other person's words and actions ever could?

Choose to encourage your husband whenever you can, especially when he needs it. Husbands usually face many challenges at work, not to mention relationships with other people. If he can't find the encouragement that he needs from you, he'll find it somewhere else.

Be his encourager. Choose to help him pursue Christ at all times.

The most important thing of all

Lastly, the most important thing that you can do for your husband is to always lead them to Christ. Whenever you can, always remember to point your husband to Christ. Tell him how much Christ loves him and wants him to be Christ-like. Remind him of God's promises.

Remember that when God created woman, His intention was so that she'd help her husband fulfill his call in the Lord. Helping your husband follow Christ is something you should do.