3 ways your smartphone helps you in your walk in Christ

We can use our phones to help us in our walk with God.Pexels

Today's technology prove to be wonderful tools in almost anything. We can work more easily, build things more quickly, and in general, accomplish ordinary tasks in a fraction of the time and effort they used to need.

Yes, technology has allowed us to do so many things.

While technology is often used for wrong and immoral purposes, it can also be used for good things like the fast and far-reaching spread of the Gospel, in-depth Bible study, and being able to take down sermon notes on-the-go without the hassle of carrying pens and notebooks around.

All in all, it can be used to help us in our walk with Christ.

In this article we'll talk about some practical ways to use pocket-sized technology -- our smartphones -- to help us in our walk with Christ.

Walking with Christ

Bible apps have existed for quite some time now. These apps, both useful offline and online, allow us to carry God's Word with us. Such apps make it easier for Christians to read the Bible anytime, pretty much anywhere: on the train, on the plane, at the bus stop, etc.

Yes, they are very helpful.

But for this article we'll talk about other practical ways to use our smartphones to help us in our walk with Christ. We'll be thinking of different ways to use them.

1) Use the calendar or alarm functions to remind you to read your Bible

This is very, very practical. We can use the alarm function to remind us of when to read our Bibles every day.

We can take this one notch higher: using the calendar, we can make personalized Bible-reading plans that correspond to weeks.

For example, you may want to target reading the whole Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament) within a week or two. Mark that on your phone's calendar and set alarms to remind you what to read for a specific day.

This will help us develop good Bible-reading habits.

2) Use your phone to listen to audio Bibles or podcasts

Instead of listening to music on your phone, choose to listen to audio Bibles or podcasts coming from Spirit-filled, Bible-based teachers and preachers.

This is very helpful, especially during busy days.

3) Record insights, prayers, or revelation as you go

Smartphones have made note-taking and voice recording very easy. Take advantage of this by quickly recording or jotting down notes of insights and revelation as you meditate on God's Word.

You can also type your prayers in the notes app, or use your phone to list down prayer items as you remember them.

This habit has proved itself helpful for me, especially because I have records or written copies of thoughts that I would've otherwise forgotten. I believe it will help you too.