4 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Skip the Sabbath


It's strange how we can sometimes insist on things that we don't need and ignore the things that we truly need. We insist on going shopping and having leisure time, the latest smartphones and vacations as if our life depended on them.

But when it comes to things that truly matter such as spiritual growth, knowledge and God's presence, we sometimes act as if we can go a few days, weeks, months or years even without it.

To avoid being seen as a hypocrite, let me start off by saying that I admit to failing to keep the Sabbath on many occasions. I skip days off too often, forget to read God's Word sometimes and refuse to go on a break.

But I know it's something that I need to change and from glory to glory God has changed me. In the years that I have shifted from an "always on" mindset to a now "rest when commanded" one, I have seen such great improvement in my own life and spiritual growth. This only proves just how valuable the Sabbath really is.

Here are four of the many reasons why Christians should not skip the Sabbath no matter what the cost.

1. To Obey God's Command

Exodus 20:8 commands us, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

God's commands are what bring life and they are always meant for our good. We follow them not just because we are told, but because God knows better and He's in charge, not us. The truth is that with every command God gives us, He promises to let it work for our welfare and His glory. So when we rest, it's really a win-win situation for everyone.

2. To Remember We're Not as Invincible as We Think

I once knew what it was like to feel unstoppable until my right lung collapsed due to stress and exhaustion. It's great that God builds resilience in all of us, but rest exists to remind us that we are truly nothing apart from God.

When we rest we are given the opportunity to declare God's power over the things that we do not have control over or simply the things we would like to surrender to Him even when we can do something about it.

3. To Make a Declaration and Worship

When we rest, we don't just stop. We pause work to shift our focus from the things of this world to the things of God. It doesn't always take a full day to do this, but we do want to take as much time as possible to just be still in the presence of God to declare His goodness and power and to worship Him for the things He has done for us and through us.

4. To Enjoy Relationships

At the heart of Sabbath is a cry for deeper relationships. On Sabbath days, I take time to focus on two relationships—relationship with God and relationship with my family. I am grateful for those times that I can fix my eyes on nothing else but my growing relationship with Jesus and also my relationship with my wife and daughter. That truly makes Sabbath a privilege, not a burden.