4 Subtle Signs That You're Getting Too Comfortable Where You Are Now In Life


If you're like me, you probably get tempted by comfort a whole lot. I believe every person struggles in finding the right balance of comfort and discomfort to the point where that person might rest in God but still not get too complacent to the point of immobility.

One of the biggest demands of people today is the longing for the luxury of convenience. We want everything served faster, cheaper, and in the easiest way possible.

Some people even take living to the extreme by preferring to stay always inside a comfort zone even though God's plans are rarely found in that zone. God's zone may often entail discomfort, unease and sometimes even danger.

When we're too comfortable in life, it's likely that we're missing out on God's good, pleasing and perfect will.

Here are four subtle signs that you are getting too comfortable with where you are currently in life.

1. Your Life Is Getting A Little Too Predictable

Whether it's your job, your proximity or your ministry, over familiarity breeds contempt as they say. We're constantly in search for the next level and longing to grow and upgrade in calling, relationships and tasks.

But it isn't going to be easy. Discomfort, which results in finding ourselves in unfamiliar terrain, is often a sign of growth. When there's no discomfort, it could very well mean we're not growing.

2. Your Heart Is Troubled By Something You're Not Doing Anything About

One of the greatest examples of stepping out of a comfort zone was provided by Nehemiah. When he was given the mission to rebuild the walls of his city, he stepped out in faith and acted.

When there is something in our heart burning to be done, we act on it. When we don't, it eats us up on the inside until we get the itch to go out on a limb and follow God's uncomfortable but equally rewarding and satisfying will for our lives.

3. You Don't Face Hardships And Difficulties

1 Peter 4:12 tells us, "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

In fact, what should surprise us is when there is an absence of trial. That only means we're not testing the status quo and thus not being used by God to bring lasting and powerful change.

4. There's No Passion

One of the biggest determinants of purpose is passion. Interestingly enough passion comes from the Latin word "pati," which means to suffer.

That's because to have passion is to love something to the point of sacrifice. That's what Jesus had for us: passion that caused Him to come down as man (even though it would be greatly uncomfortable) and die on the cross so that we would be saved.