4 things that stop us from believing we can lead


Leadership can be overwhelming even before we step into a leadership mantle, and we can come up with reasons to step down.

When God calls us to our purpose, he calls us instantly to a certain level of leadership. God's will is always connected to a leadership mantle, and to run away from a leadership mantle can simple mean that we run away from the fullness of God's will for us.

While there are hundreds of reasons that we can come up with to not step up to the plate, here are four of the most common excuses people make that make them believe they can't lead.

"I'm not qualified."

If you remember Gideon's story, you would know how many excuses he made to disqualify himself from God's call for him to be used to free the nation from the Midianites. He wasn't born into a special family and he was the least in his family.

But we all know how God used Gideon not because he was qualified, but because God was faithful. When we feel unqualified, we must remember that God qualifies us with His love and grace.

"God can use someone else."

While you are not the only option God can use to do something that He bids, God calls you not because of options but because of His love for us. God could use someone else for sure, but what would happen to you and the blessing that comes with the call to leadership?

Leadership is not just a responsibility. It is a God-given gift that He rewards us with to enjoy -- the privilege of leading people to Christ through your work and faith.

"I know my purpose more than God does."

"God, let me decide for myself. I know what to do." I'm sure we've said this to God in some way or another. But do we really have the capacity to run our lives the way God can? Putting our faith in God and his call of leadership over our life is not only necessary, it also makes more sense.

"People's opinions matter more than God's."

When people around us tell us about our flaws and weaknesses, we would sometimes rather listen to them than to what God has to say about us.

1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us, however: "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."