4 Unhealthy Doubts About God That Most Christians Struggle With — and What to Do About Them


If you were to ask any Christian the most simple question, "Is God trustworthy?" we would without a shadow of a doubt hear a resounding and unanimous yes.

But if that's true, then why is it that we sometimes live lives that do little to back up that claim?

God is worthy of all glory and trust. We know He is a good and benevolent Father who works for our overall good and who saves, heals, and redeems us. But one way or another, doubt can still find its way into our hearts. It can be frustrating, I know. Just like anybody else, I have found myself in circumstances where my faith in Christ is shaken to the core.

Too often we over-generalise and oversimplify things by saying, "We're just not capable of trust" or "God isn't trustworthy."

But nothing could be farther from those claims. God remains faithful, but there is a struggle within all of us to stand by God's faithfulness.

Here are four unhealthy ways we doubt God and how we should deal with them.

1. We Trust in God But Not His Church

Many Christians have been hurt by the church. We've all probably been hurt by the church one way or another. But even in the church's imperfections, God calls us to believe in His church and build it up. Churches may have their flaws. But if we are part of a good church community, we can be surrounded with people who will help us extinguish our doubts.

2. We Neglect the Weight of Our Journey

God is faithful. But sometimes to get to where God wants us to be, there will have to be times of testing, pruning and trials to build our character and test our faith. 1 Peter 4:12 says, "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

3. We Don't Put Our Faith in Action

Anyone can say they believe in God, but unless we get up and act upon it, our words will remain empty and even void. James 2:17 says, "Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

While God's grace comes through faith alone, true and lasting faith is one that acts and backs up spoken claims.

4. We Tie Up God's Faithfulness to Ours

Sometimes we Christians feel sure and convinced that God is indeed faithful, but that our unfaithfulness disqualifies us from His love and mercy. In other words, we trust God but not ourselves.

But the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself."

God loves us no matter how unfaithful we are. As long as we look to His faithfulness and ours, our doubts will never find basis or grounds.