4-year-old Florida girl mails birthday cake to her mom in Heaven

A post office in Edgewater, Florida recently received an unusual package in their facility. It contained a birthday cake inside a box with a sweet hand-decorated label that a 4-year-old made for her late mother.

Bella Graham from Florida mailed a birthday cake for her mother in heaven.YouTube/Wesh 2 News

Written in the card was, "From: Bella, To: Mommy in Heaven," with flower designs. According to the Daily Mail, Bella thought of mailing the cake to her late mother as she was worried she wouldn't have anything for her birthday in Heaven.

The child's mom, Jessica, succumbed to pulmonary embolism two years ago. This year would have been her 30th birthday.

The 4-year-old's grandmother and Jessica's mom, Laura Fisher, has been caring for the child with Bella's dad, Josh Graham. Fisher revealed that Bella expressed concern about her mother's cake a month before Jessica's birthday.

Fisher runs a small baking company called Lulu's Cupcakes and More, and thought of making a red velvet and vanilla birthday cake for Jessica with Bella's help. The grandmother also enlisted the help of the post office workers who happily indulged Bella's request.

So, when the 4-year-old girl arrived at the facility, they greeted her with enthusiasm and allowed her to go through the process of mailing a package. Bella made her way to the line that specifically had a sign, "for people shipping to Heaven only."

The little girl also watched as post office workers placed a stamp on her mom's package and assured her that the cake would arrive in Heaven just in time. Fisher said that it was as if a burden had been lifted off Bella's shoulders as she stepped out of the post office with a happy face.

"They mail hundreds of thousands of letters to Santa every year," the grandmother told Wesh 2 News. "Heaven isn't that much further, right?"

Fisher commended the staff members at the Edgewater post office, who couldn't speak to the cameras due to protocols. Fisher said that for all the complaints the post office can get, those at Edgewater were sent from God.