5 discussions to have with a teenager


Parenting teenagers may not require changing diapers or following them around to make sure they don't trip on anything, but just like any stage of parenting, it comes with its own set of challenges.

Raising teenagers can be a challenge to parents anywhere. Often they can be secretive, conscious and disconnected, and it is still our responsibility as parents to guide them and lead them through life.

I like what one of my mentors taught me about parenting: As parents, the call will always be there to lead our kids, but we shouldn't lead them to our own wishes for them but rather to Christ.

The most effective way to lead teenagers is to lead them through meaningful conversations that will help them go through life and faith. Sure we can partner with parents, youth pastors and other relationships, but there are some conversations that we can never delegate to others.

Here are five meaningful discussions that you can have with your teenagers to guide them.

Devotion to God

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." This applies not only to "little children." Even as our children grow into young adults, we must always point our children to God for their needs.

Yes, we will be there for them, but we must also show them that parents are only channels of God's blessing to them.

Purpose and plans

Before they start planning for their careers, teenagers will have already thought of what their future could hold for them. We as parents can be effective guides for them. Take note that we are only to coach and guide them to careers they want to take, not impose professions that we want for them.

Attraction to opposite sex

Advocates for Youth shares that only 51 percent of parents discuss sex and attraction toward the opposite sex with their teenagers. When we aren't providing answers to our kids, they are looking for them elsewhere. It's best that they come from us to make sure that we can provide for them the most healthy mindset

Financial management

When it comes to finance talks, it's always best to start young. Savings, spending habits and earning money are some of the things that we can teach our children. This can also be done by giving them avenues to practice them, like the allowance that we give them.

Taking care of friendships

Most teenagers have problems with friendships and relationships, and they are looking for sound advice on how to take care of these key relationships. Instead of allowing them to grow in gossip and bitterness, we can teach them about biblical principles on forgiveness and love.